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Menallen Township



Voting is and will always be extremely important in American society. Get out there and vote when its time and help a neighbor get to the polls if you can.

Menallen Township has some polls located throughout the township to make it more accessible and secure.

Polling Places for Menallen Township


Menallen Township is a community of outdoor appreciating residents.

District #1 – Keisterville Community & Youth Center
803 Ball Field Road
P.O.Box 83
Keisterville, PA 15449

District #2 – Menallen School
7527 National Pike
Uniontown, PA 15401
District #3 – New Salem First Christian Church
800 New Salem Rd,
Uniontown, PA 15401

Close Poll Locations

Make sure to check our poll locations incase of changes. We try to keep them close.

Your Vote Counts

Every vote counts. It’s very important. If you don’t go vote others will.

Handicap Accessible

We try to make the polls as accessible as possible for everyone. If you have questions contact the polling stations.

For more information
on Menallen
Township Living

Menallen Township has a make up of wonderful people. We have a history that is well known and documented. Now we want to be known for what we are going to do and that is cultivate a strong place for families to grow and succeed in a community.